Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Lesson Learned in the New Year

Well, our family has learned our first life lesson of the new year. Well, more specifically Anna and Jordan, and they have learned it the old fashioned way, so to speak. Yesterday, Anna and Jordan were out playing at Mimi and Papa's, enjoying their last day of vacation. They were riding in the golf cart having a good time. Anna was driving a little too fast and decided to take a turn. When she did, Jordan flew out the golf cart, onto the asphalt. I am not sure who was more upset- Anna becuase of what she had done, or Jordan, becuase Anna was so upset. He got a big goose egg and some minor scrapes, but other than that he's okay. I don't think we'll have to tell Anna to slow down for quite some time. I think she's learned that fast driving, sharp turns, and a standing brother are not a good mix.

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